Posts in: dad jokes

Trolley Problem Variations For Dads

Dear McSweeney’s,

You’ve done it again. Thank you.

You’re on a trolley speeding towards a railway switch. Your father must decide whether to let the train hit the people on the track or switch to the alternate track with only one person on it. He responds, “Go ask your mother.”

If you make a carving of me, please use this pose. Thank you.

wooden sculpture by Henry Moore: reclining figure

Starting a new project with my spouse. We have a puzzling relationship. 🧩

🤣 #DadJokes

Why couldn’t Beethoven find his piano teacher?

Because he was Hayden.

🤣 #DadJokes

I could go for a good joke about bread.

I’ve got a rye sense of humor.

🤣 #DadJokes