Finished reading: Thinking through Writing by John Kaag & Jonathan van Belle 📚
No. That is NOT what I meant.
The Next Frontier? Philosophy in Space.
Yes! 💯!
Interdisciplinary scholars in space – including philosophers – is only good.
Dear #NASA: Please send Dr. Chapa to space. Thank you.
Grading a lot of papers…
One of my students emailed me to request an excused absence from class as her nanny was unable to take care of her child. I told her I was open to that, but not to dismiss the idea of bringing the baby to class.
tl;dr - Having that kiddo in class with us today brought so much joy. It was delightful!
The BeReal notification happened right before class yesterday.
Can Humanities Survive the Budget Cuts?
Full disclosure: I have multiple degrees in the humanities. 😃🎓
This article focuses on the state auditor of Mississippi and his judgment of ROI for state spending on higher education. I think there should be a healthy debate on the ROI of a degree & I would offer that most people’s sense of ROI is far too narrow. But, I digress…
Here’s the quote that is stuck in my mind:
Mr. White, the Republican state auditor, said his first questioning was whether state spending on degree programs matched the needs of the economy.
This quote demonstrates the limited–and ultimately harmful–perspective of Mr. White and his peers in the GOP. This perspective places education and students in service of the economy. This is backwards. The economy should serve people. State higher education funding should serve people. Thinking of people as a means to achieve the end of growing the economy is ultimately degrading and dismissive of the dignity each is due.
The U.S. would be much better off if state leaders made funding decisions based on what serves people. Funding humanities programs promotes the common good by empowering the citizenry to think carefully and critically about the world around them.
However, an electorate educated in the humanities may well select different state leadership. Perhaps this is the ROI feared by Mississippi’s elected officials.
Finished reading: Black Health by Keisha Ray 📚
I recommend this book to anyone interested in public health, racial justice, and/or the common good. I will likely assign some of this text in my next section of public health ethics.
After Babel: Digital Theology and Contextualities
The upcoming conference will explore the interrelation between theology, contextuality and digital technology with particular focus on intercontextuality.
I look forward to this #CFP every year. Participating in this #DigitalTheology Conference is always worth my time. I suggest it will be for you, too!
An Examen for Former Graduate Students
A reflection, in the Ignatian tradition, for former graduate students.