Finished reading: Unreliable Narrator by Aparna Nancherla 📚

This is a terrific read. I picked the book up for a unique insight to the comedy industry. I put the book down with a sense of solidarity for a fellow human navigating anxiety, depression, and impostor syndrome.

I wish I could be Aparna’s friend.

On Hope & Medicine

Wherein I read an article about hope in health care and feel compelled to comment on autonomy, the FDA, and a pastoral letter from Cardinal Bernardin.

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🎧 Currently listening: Happy-Go-Lucky by David Sedaris 📚

Christmas Eve dinner theme: food-on-a-stick.

Grilling Sharpies - a family delicacy - on Christmas Eve Eve.

(Hot dogs, stuffed with sauerkraut & wrapped with bacon.)

Joe Biden & Conan O’Brien on Empathy

This clip from Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend is terrific. The vulnerability this world leader (Biden, not O’Brien - ha!) exudes is exactly what we need from our leaders – especially elected officials.

I’ve been enjoying the Creole Beat cocktail lately. Lemme know if you do, too.

New papal statement just dropped.

#AIEthics #Francis

Francis. Message for the 57th World Day of Peace Artificial Intelligence and Peace (1 January 2024)

I remember seeking out these “pick of the week” cards at Starbucks. Not only did they introduce you to new bands, songs, or apps – they made great bookmarks, too.

It seems like an artifact from a very different time.

A small card advertising a free iTunes download code for the song "1928" by Califone.

NunBun Nostalgia

I will never stop giggling about the “Immaculate Confection.”

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