Fox, Dominion reach $787M settlement over election claims

This is a significant settlement. Dominion is receiving some justice, but the issue is far from settled. We will continue to live in an epistemological crisis for the foreseeable future.

Interestingly, this story is nowhere to be found on the website. The lead story above the scroll is: “What Joe Biden, First Lady Jill Biden are reporting as their federal adjusted gross income.”

Edit: I didn’t dig deep enough.

100 Million Proton Accounts

I am proud to say that I am a Proton subscriber. I’m also glad that my paid account helps to subsidize those that need a free one.

Apple Rankings

Your guide to the iconic fruit. I found it both affirming and challenging. I aspire to one day find a SweeTango.

h/t: One Foot Tsunami

Sloosha’s Crossin’ an’ Ev’rythin’ After

It’s not everyday that you read something that brings a little clarity to the abortion discourse within the Catholic church. Today was one of those days.

This article (like much of Ginocchio’s writing) is neither for the faint of heart nor those of tender conscience. The commentary is biting, crass, and sprinkled with ad hominem potshots at “fan favorites,” but dammit if it doesn’t make me LOL and re-evaluate what I believe on the regular.

When We Are Comfortable, We're Not Learning

A brief reflection about my parish’s statement on racism.

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An Anniversary No One Wants

Another mass shooting in the United States.

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World Day of the Sick 2023

A Reflection on Pope Francis’ Annual Message for World Day of the Sick 2023.

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Augustine and XAI

#TFW you run across a quote from St. Augustine and things make a bit more sense.

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Reflecting on Notifications

Last week SSM Health celebrated Mission and Heritage Week. 2022 is the 150th anniversary of the arrival of Mother M. Odilia Berger and her companions in St. Louis. This is a reflection I wrote for the occasion.

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Update–Fall 2022

An update on various academic pursuits…

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