My latest UX challenge: unsubscribing from a newsletter and accidentially finding the hidden submit button.

A short video showing a user interface - selecting a checkbox to unsubscribe from all mailings, but then "accidentially" finding the hidden submit button.

Trolley Problem Variations For Dads

Dear McSweeney’s,

You’ve done it again. Thank you.

You’re on a trolley speeding towards a railway switch. Your father must decide whether to let the train hit the people on the track or switch to the alternate track with only one person on it. He responds, “Go ask your mother.”

Finished reading: The Problem with Change by Ashley Goodall 📚

A nice chaser to Managing Transitions.

I appreciate the bit toward the end about desire paths. I’ve been using that analogy for years - I think it resonates pretty well with people.

Happy Father’s Day, Y’all!

A Bloody Mary, served in a pint glass, with garnishes including: celery, bacon, 2 shrimps, olives, and a crab claw. Yum.

A few highlights from the 2024 Catholic Health Assembly in San Diego, CA.

Some of my favorite colleagues (Mark & Patrick) and I in the exhibit hall at the 2024 Catholic Health Assembly. Photo by []( Hamel receiving the lifetime achievement award at the 2024 Catholic Health AssemblyDamond Boatwright giving an inspiring address at the 2024 Catholic Health AdsemblyA painting entitled Madonna of Knots, depicting Mary, Mother of God, straightening out a rope. The artist is Sr. Norma Pimentel, MJ.

No. That is NOT what I meant.

Results of a keyword search at a public library for

Everytime I’m in Montréal…

A selfie of me in front of Drawn & Quarterly Bookstore

If you make a carving of me, please use this pose. Thank you.

wooden sculpture by Henry Moore: reclining figure

Scarlett Johansson Says OpenAI Ripped Off Her Voice for ChatGPT

Johansson’s statement, relayed to WIRED by her publicist, claims that OpenAI CEO Sam Altman asked her last September to provide ChatGPT’s new voice but that she declined. She describes being astounded to see the company demo a new voice for ChatGPT last week that sounded like her anyway.

This alleged behavior by OpenAI erodes any trust I might have had in the company. Brazenly disregarding Johansson’s declination does not bode well for those of us who don’t have the resources to hire a legal team.

Perhaps this story will be an exhibit in the NYTimes’ lawsuit against OpenAI which alleges similar behavior: seemingly amicable negotiations that end with OpenAI doing whatever they want with content they don’t have permission to use.

Ethicists Can Proactively Prepare for AI Systems

A human will always be best suited to facilitate conversations that support ethical decision-making for the patients we serve.

Wherein I warn about technosolutionism, promote the language of “augmented intelligence,” and remind folks that great caution should be taken when utilizing generative AI in the context of clinical bioethics.