On the occasion of posting something on this blog every day for a month.

It has been a bloggy November.

After watching the dumpster fire that was Twitter (and is now “X”) devolve into something far worse than a dumpster fire, I have become increasingly less interested in universal web platforms. The federated model of Mastodon and the ethos of the POSSE movement (Post on your Own Site, Syndicate Everywhere) are far more attractive to me.

Mastodon has been scratching my social media itch. I’ve had fun establishing a presence on hci.social. I also set up an alt. I’ll never tell.

About a month ago, I decided to give micro.blog a spin. I’ve enjoyed it! I ended up posting once or twice each day this month. I like how easily it publishes everything from tweet-like posts to longer form articles. It effortlessly sends all my posts to my mastodon account, as well. It even comes with a free app to organize my virtual bookshelves!

So far, so good. I’ll keep on micro.blogging right here.